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10 Life Lessons I've Learned in My First 30 Years

(Each day, the Money Blog  team scours the Web for the most important and interesting news to our readers. Here’s what we found today: This little gem is from Dumb Little Man, a personal finance blog)

Many people cringe as they approach the age of 30. For some reason, these milestones tend to get people thinking. Am I old? What should I have done differently? Am I really happy with this person I married? Etc.

Second guessing is normal and I don’t have to remind you of the 20/20 hindsight rule. However, as I approach 30, I’m taking a different tact. I am viewing age as a positive simply because I have learned a ton of lessons that not only help define me, but will make future years enormously successful – emotionally, professionally, and socially.

Often times we don’t realize how powerful our lives can be until we reflect and share our experiences. That is why I took some time to write and submit this article; I want to reflect on my life and be sure to enjoy the lessons learned instead of regretting whatever outcomes I didn’t like at the time.

So here goes!

Thanks for taking the time to read. While I love the fact that I was able to share my outlook with the readers of DLM, this simple list has helped me put my life into perspective and it has raised my awareness to areas that I need to constantly work on. Where is your list? Is it only in your mind and easily forgotten and overridden?

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