19 Easy Tips That Will Make You The Next Millionaire

Starting with #1:

1. Buy The Things That You Need

Not until you are a millionaire can you buy goods or procure services that you can do without. Until then, you need to prioritise your purchases.

2. Spend Less Than You Earn

This is so that you can have money to save and invest. Our Money 101 course has more on this.

3. Make Sure That You Can Pay Off the Things That You Buy

This is to avoid incurring penalties which are costly. The quicker you pay off your debts, the cheaper it is for you.

4. Exercise Patience

Remember no one becomes a millionaire overnight. As you make more money you may be tempted to relax and enjoy your new found wealth. Soon, you may be spending more than you earn or buying trinkets do not need. Don't let your foot off the accelerator yet. Don't let up comrade.

5. Utilize Automatic Pay check Deductions

Also known as standing orders. They take money from your account to your desired savings or investment vehicles, as soon as your salary is paid. This prevents you from using the money if you do not have the financial discipline.

6. Pay Off Your Debts Every Month

Having a history of paying debts in time will boost your credit rating. Hence, in the long run it will be easier for you to borrow, Should you ever need to borrow to invest.

7. Use Time to Your Advantage

The earlier you start saving, the more beneficial it is. Savings earn interest that is compounded over time. Therefore, if you start saving in your 20s or 30s you will accumulate more wealth in savings than someone who started saving in their 40s or 50s.

8. Realize That Money Doesn't Buy Happiness

Work towards developing yourself as an all rounded individual. This will in the long run satisfy you more than just chasing material urges.

9. Realize That 'Life Happens'

Always have some money kept aside for emergencies. To cushion you on your journey towards being a millionaire.

10. Focus on Being In The Black

Look at your monthly, quarterly, or yearly income. Subtract your monthly, quarterly, or yearly debt payment from it. If the result is negative, then you are not financially free. You are in the red, and you are not paying all your debts. Get the result back to the positive. (To the black).

11. Work Hard And Diligently

Remember to always put in more effort to improve yourself. We are never perfect, always look for ways in which you can improve your financial discipline.

12. Get a Second Job

It will add more money to your income pool . Hence, enabling you to save or invest more. Furthermore, as you work your second job you will have less time to spend the money you are trying to save.

13. Don't Be Afraid to Have a Big Vision

What the mind cannot conceive it cannot achieve.

14. Have Good Money Management Skills

Keep up to date on what you need to know in order to manage your money. Learn something new on money management regularly.

15. Do What You Enjoy

When you do what you enjoy, you will have a greater chance of succeeding in it. You will thus be in a greater position to earn a promption or increase your income.

16. Pay Yourself First

Remember saving is a way of paying yourself first. since you keep money aside for yourself.

17. Go Out And Find Your Money

Always invest your savings so that they earn a higher return

18. Invest in Yourself

Continuously pursue personal, professional and career development. It will make you stand out and thus enable you to get  a promotion.

19. Realize That There Is More Than One Way to Approach a Problem

Versatility will enable you to adapt to any challenges that you may face. Be ready to accept new perspectives and ways of doing business.


The post is adapted from Yahoo! Small Business Advisor, read the yahoo post here.


There is no secret formula to being a millionaire. If there was a sure way of becoming millionaires then we all would be. To succeed you must blend the right business or investment practices with personal financial discipline. The above tips give you basics on your journey to  being a millionaire.


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