5 Habits to Expand Your Champion's Mind Set

We have been exploring champion’s mindset. I shared a host of tangibles to help us develop a champion’s mindset and making it happen {Expand.Enlarge.Stretch}. Remember the question I’ve been asking myself, Why do some people seem to have all the answers, while others make little progress?... And my conclusion was - People achieve BIG results because they win in their MIND first. I am tempted to believe that the flip side to this proposition is equally true.

"Think you can or think you can't, either way you will be right." – Henry Ford

Today, I’ve chosen to narrow down to habits that could help us expand our thinking. By Our thoughts we create our reality, so it makes sense that by thinking big, you’ll create a big life for yourself on All levels of your existence – spiritual, emotional, and physical. The following five habits below simply highlight practical things you and I can do to help us expand our thinking, and as a result, expand our lives.

1. Your choices create your outcomes.

‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen’’ Ref, Bible Hebrews 11:1

In order to create something for yourself, you have to decide that what you want is yours now, not a week from now, a month from now, five years from now. Get into the feeling place of what it feels like to have or be what you want, and then make the necessary changes in your life to create it. This may be uncomfortable at times and you may be stepping outside of your comfort zone, but by keeping the vision of what you want in mind, you get clearer, and you make your decisions based on your vision. Think about making your decisions from a place of already having what you want, not from where you are now. Decide to keep stepping into your “yes.” Now.,/p>

2. Your habits create your outcomes.

If you want to be a marathon runner, develop the habits of a marathon runner. If you want to be a speaker, develop speaking habits. If you want to be an author/writer, develop habits of the best selling authors/writers. If you want to be a millionaire, develop the habits of a millionaire. If you want to be healthy, develop the habits of people who are healthy. Think and act from the place of where you want to be. Your physical and personal habits need to be in alignment with your vision.

3. Your environments create your outcomes.

Do you love where you live and work? Create an environment that supports you and your vision. An environment that is in alignment with your vision frees you to focus your energy on achieving your dream. How about your emotional environment? Are the people around you supportive of your vision and your dreams? The environment that created the you that you are now may not be the environment that is going to create the you that you want to be. What about your intellectual environment? Pay attention to how the people around you think. Be around people who think positive and who think big as much as you can.

People will happily line up to tell you that you will not succeed in your craft. Others are looking for you to show them the way. Regardless of your current position, you have to lead with strength and confidence. Once again, it's winning in the mind first that helps you lead in this area. DO NOT listen to others that won't support you If you’re around people who worry and fear, remember that fear and worry are not truth, and try to limit interactions with negative people. Set up a support system that works for you.

There are places I’ve had to stop going. There are people I no longer hang out with. There are vibes I do not engage myself in. Oli, is this arrogance? A friend asked, Nope, am just keen in creating and maintaining an environment that brings forth my desired results. #Nothing personal.

4. Enlarge Your Expectation.

Continually raise your abundance thermometer. The bible teaches, ‘It’s your Father’s good pleasure to give You the kingdom’. We live in an abundant universe and there is enough of everything for everyone. Everything we could possibly need or want is available to us, if only we allow it into our experience. You cannot manifest abundance with a scarcity mindset. Expect abundance in your life and allow yourself to receive it on all levels – spiritual, emotional and physical.

Remember, your God is an Ephesians 3:20 God. ‘Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us’

5. Focus on the “WHY?”(Purpose/Reason)

‘To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven’’. Ref, Bible Ecclesiates 3:1

People only do what they are passionate about. You must be able to define your purpose and reason for doing what you do. Whether you running a business, in employment, in sports, in entertainment, in ministry or whatever, you’ve got to define your Why!. Every great accomplishment is achieved when backed by a strong reason or purpose that brings passion to the person and a strong desire to succeed. Dreaming is something that many of us have lost as we've grown older. The question is: Who ever told you to stop dreaming?

Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. --John F. Kennedy

Why do you want to succeed? You want money? Why? You want Freedom? Why? Is it because you want to spend more time with your kids? Is it because you want to travel the world and explore all the natural beauty there is? How about paying off the debt that continues to accumulate? Determine your Why, Your Dream- Write it down. (Think IT, Then Ink IT) Read it often.

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it. -Ref, Bible Habakkuk 2:2

Success demands singleness of purpose. --Vince Lombardi

By implementing all of these habits in your life, you will find your energy shifting. If implementing all of them at once feels too overwhelming, start with one new habit at a time. People will ask you what you’re doing differently, what your “secret” is. Your life will expand.

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