8 Things You Should Know This Morning

1. Best and worst countries to be born in 2013

Kenya ranks in position 79 out of 80 countries sampled in a recent study, published by The Economist, on the best and worst places to be born in 2013.

 That places Kenya 2nd last on the list.  

 2. Treasury raises county funds by KES 2bn

Funds allocated to county governments for the period between March and June have been increased by Sh2 billion.

The move followed talks between Treasury, the Commission on Revenue Allocation and the House Budget Committee which had raised concerns that counties may not take off as envisaged in the Constitution due to budgetary constraints.

3. Top leaders accused of skewing diplomatic appointments

A House committee has tabled a damning report accusing the President, Prime Minister and Vice-President of hogging diplomatic appointments for their home areas.

Parliament found that 16 per cent of the appointees were from Nyeri, Siaya and Makueni counties, leaving at least four zones unrepresented in the diplomatic corps.

 4. Treasury gets nod to sell stake in Hilton, InterCon hotels

Parliament has cleared the way for Treasury to dispose off shares in the Hilton and InterContinental hotels in Nairobi.

The House approved the report of the Finance, Trade and Planning Committee, which gives the Hilton Group of Hotels, InterContinental Hotels Corporation and other shareholders in the establishments’, priority in buying the shares being offloaded by the Kenya Tourist Development Corporation (KTDC).

 5. Kenya frustrating justice, says ICC chief prosecutor

Hague chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda may be forced to seek assistance from foreign countries to compel Kenya to give the court access to government officers and security agents.

 Ms Bensouda gave the strongest signal yet on Wednesday night as she submitted her evidence and list of witnesses to the International Criminal Court Judges that she has gathered against four Kenyans who are facing charges of crimes against humanity.

 6. Parliament passes contentious retirement benefit bills

Parliament on Wednesday passed two Bills approving retirement benefits for the president, deputy president and other senior state officers.

The two-the Presidential Retirement Benefits (Amendment) Bill and the Retirement Benefits (Deputy President and Designated State Officers) Bill have been a subject of contention.

7. Bar owners to sue if MPs pass alcohol law

Bar owners have threatened to go to court if the proposed alcoholic drinks control law is implemented.

The traders have opposed proposals by Naivasha MP John Mututho to ban sale of alcoholic beverages two days to the General Election.

8. I&M Bank to cut lending rate to 18%

I&M Bank will drop its lending rate by 1.5% to 18%. According to the privately-owned financial institution, the drop will take effect in February 2013. This comes shortly after I&M bank dropped its mortgage rate to 16.5% per annum from its previous 18%. The lender’s previous lending rates have been a roller-coaster for some of its clientele. As of October 15th, 2012, the bank’s lending rate stood at 19.5% while the tariff in late 2011 was 15.75%, up from the previous 13.5%.


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