The Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Land in Kenya : Introduction

Imagine, after months or even years of scouring and scanning around for that ideal piece of land to invest in, you finally find one. It is in an ideal location, its asking price is somewhat within your price range. You quickly go ahead and purchase it before this lucky opportunity skips you. Soon you begin your plans to construct your dream home. Everything seems to be perfectly falling into place until complications slowly begin to crop up. Firstly, someone comes around claiming to be the owner of your piece of land and he has genuine documentations to back him up, or the government sends you an eviction letter notifying you that you should evacuate that piece of land since it belongs to the government and it had been set aside for some future development plan.

Now imagine that you had actually taken a mortgage to develop the piece of land, you’ll be left with a huge mortgage to pay off for a house that doesn’t exist. Your dreams would have come down crumbling on you. Your investment would have gone down in dust such as it was the case for the Syokimau residents.

There’s more to buying raw land than it meets the eye .More than a few individuals have wished they had a second chance upon finding themselves duped, conned, misled, ill-advised, uninformed, oversold, undereducated and often when they are unprepared. They realize often too late that there’s was a mistaken investment. Raw land purchase should be properly investigated, evaluated and negotiated using a logical and rational plan.

We at the Money Academy have scour the web, walked the streets and met with the relevant personal to bring you this 5 week series of articles on how to go about buying land in Kenya. Every Wednesday for the next 5 weeks we will be giving you very insightful and useful information that would educate you on making wise land purchases. The posts/articles will touch on:

• Where to start when planning to buy land
• Where to locate that ideal piece of land that’s within your price range
• Distinguishing between genuine and fake estate agents
• The type of questions to ask about the land in question
• How to go about a land sale agreement
• Land Financing

Please feel free to send us any questions, queries, or comments concerning making a land purchases, and we'll definitely get back to you. So get your pens and note pads ready for this very informative series.


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