The Stocks We Are Watching Today

The 20-share index took a beating last week Friday as it closed at 4125.74 points, down by 7.54 from the Thursday. The All-share however improved its performance and closed at 91.30 points. Focus shall be maintained on Standard Chartered in light of the chairman’s step down. We shall also be monitoring Uchumi Supermarket.

  • Standard Chartered Bank - The bank’s chairman of the board Mr. Kiboro stepped down on Friday in pursuit of other interest. He has replaced Mr. Muya Titus as Family Bank chair, with a promise to rapidly grow the bank's capitalization. The share closed at KES 225 on Friday having traded 128,700 shares. We’ll be keeping an eye on the volumes traded and check for any trickling effects from the chairman’s move.
  • Uchumi – The counter closed at KES 19.20, down 45 cents from the previous day’s close. It was one of the top losers last week Friday having dropped by 2.29%. The supermarket has announced plans to have a rights issue where 100 million shares will be put on offer. They will sell at KES 13 so that the supermarket raises KES 1.3 Billion for expansion. We shall be monitoring the shares price movement through the day and check for the bid-ask spread.



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