Money 101: Managing YOUR Money

Welcome to the Money Academy's 'Money 101: Managing YOUR Money' article series. This is a succession of articles that will take you through different topics that revolve around you, your money, how to make more, and how make what you earn help you achieve your goals .

The series is divided into lessons, each covering a different aspect of personal finance planning, and these lessons are:

  • Money 101 - Lesson 1:  Introduction to Personal Finance
  • Money 101 - Lesson 2: Goal Setting  - Where do you want to go?
  • Money 101 - Lesson 3: Assessment - Where Are You Now?
  • Money 101 - Lesson 4: Understanding the Tools - What to use to get from where                                             you are to where you want to go
  • Money 101 - Lesson 5: Creating a Plan
  • Money 101 - Lesson 6: Implementation - Turning the Plan into Action
  • Money 101 - Lesson 7: Monitoring and Assessment - Fitting Life Changes into your plan

Lesson 1 provides an overview persoanl finance and personal finance planning, while Lesson 2 will guide you through how to set financial goals. Lesson 3 will help understand cash-flow and worth, and help you arrive at your net-worth. (Here, you get to find out if you are a millionaire. :-))Lesson 4 will help you understand the tools that you can use to get to wher you want to go. These tools are

  1. Income: How to increase your income,Passive and Active Income, Taxes and more
  2. Saving: Emergency savings,  Banks and Banking, Other ways and places to save etc
  3. Managing Risks: Insurance (Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Auto Insurance) and more
  4. Investing: Investing in the capital markets, money markets, other forms of investing etc
  5. Debt- Personal loans, car loans, Credit cards and more

In Lesson 5, you will learn how to create a plan on how to use the tools to get to your objectives. You will also learn what information you need to collect so as to make your plan work for you. Lesson 6 will show you how to get the plan in motion, and lesson 7 will highlight some of the things you may encounter and may need to factor into your plan

Next: Money 101 - Lesson 1:  Introduction to Personal Finance


  1. Money 101 - Lesson 1:  Introduction to Personal Finance
  2. Money 101 - Lesson 2: Goal Setting
  3. Money 101 - Lesson 3: Assessment
  4. Money 101 - Lesson 4: Understanding the Tools
  5. Money 101 - Lesson 5: Creating a Plan
  6. Money 101 - Lesson 6: Implementation
  7. Money 101 - Lesson 7: Monitoring and Assessment

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