4 Ways You can Cash in During the Elections

We all want to make a little bit extra cash to keep us going and with the election fever fast rising, why don’t you cash in on the elections?

Here are 4 ways through which you can make some extra cash during the general election, none of which revolve around taking handouts from political aspirants:

The political mobilizer

If you are a charismatic person who easily gets attention and commands a following, then this is the job for you. All political aspirants look for an audience to sell their ideas to, and if you are able to provide this audience then you are the person for the job.

If you are active on Twitter you probably have stumbled on several twitter of Facebook account that have been posting nothing but the ideologies or prospects of certain political aspirants seeking various offices.

If you can command a large following on Twitter or Facebook and your opinion over the social media is taken in high regard, then you are the person for the job.

If Twitter or Facebook isn’t your thing, but you still command a large following at the grass root level, then chances are you are the person most political aspirants are looking for. Prove that you can provide an audience for aspirants or better still, prove that you can sell aspirants prospects at the local level and chances are you could cash in during the general elections.

Get a job as an election observer

With what happened during the 2007 general elections, civil groups and the international community is out to observe these general elections, from the grass root level to the national level. Who’s in a better position to act as an observer than you, the individual at the grass root level?

Be on the lookout for such jobs, apply and you never know, you might just land yourself a job as an election observer. In addition to getting the job and earning something small, the work experience in itself will be a plus in your CV.

Join the political caravan

Political caravans are proved to be a popular method of campaigning during the preliminaries, why don’t you rent out your car to be used in the political caravan? You can make cash on a daily or millage basis.

Point of disclaimer, this is a risky venture and your car could get damaged during the caravan’s procession. Remember to insure your car against any political risks if you are to capitalize on this business.

The printer

With every campaign comes demand for campaign posters, t-shirts and other branded material. Why don’t you be the guy to print these items?

With the party nominations almost over, those who won party nominations will be keen on having as many posters as possible in the areas they are aspiring for, plus have as many men and women wearing t-shirts and lessons bearing their faces.

If you are in a position to print these items or you can hook up a printer to an aspirant on a commission, then this is the job for you.

Offer the best deal and you could get the job.


Abacus is the result of over 10 years market experience and is licensed as a data vendor by the Nairobi Securities Exchange

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