Being Broke Ain't Bad After All

It is that time of the month when most guys are as broke as ever. What is left in your bank account, that’s if there's any, seems not enough to push you till the end of the month. All you can do is wish that the month would end a little bit faster.

Surely there is nothing good about being broke. But if you do think about it, there are some positive aspects to being broke, if only to make yourself feel better.

Lets check them out:

For starters, it give's you an opportunity to start thinking why you’re broke. Is it due to over spending, a negative attitude towards money, perhaps you aren’t earning enough, poor finance knowledge or skill or maybe you have poor spending habits? If you start trying to find the cause, you’ll eventually find it.

It gives you an opportunity of finding ways to cut down on costs. Perhaps you are spending cash on things you can do without. You might be paying for a cable TV bouquet you don't need or you might be living a lifestyle you can’t afford. Being broke will help you identify them, it's an eye opener to a reality you have been avoiding.

It also gives you an opportunity to sell off stuff you no longer want or need. Those clothes you no longer fit into or no longer suit your lifestyle could fetch you enough cash to pull through your broke spell.

You also get to re-evaluate your relationship with money. You might be too attached to money and being broke will help you overcome this negative attachment. Perhaps you are a spendthrift, being broke will help you realize that you have a problem when it comes to money and that you can do with what you currently have.

The experience could spark off a new sense of resourcefulness within you. It opens up your mind to an alternative source of revenue, and you never know, you might actually score big at it. A Ugandan entrepreneur was at her lowest point, financially, when she came up with the idea of making fish sausages. She has now made it big. Being broke ejects you from your comfort zone and makes you start thinking out of the box.

Lastly, you get to reduce your impact on pollution and the environment. With less money you become conscious of what you buy thus reducing the likelihood that you will spend your money on junk that you will end up disposing later.

Being broke can actually end up being a good experience, plus it helps shape up your financial life, making you a little bit conscious of your finances.

Remember, once bitten, twice shy. Be smart about it.


Abacus is the result of over 10 years market experience and is licensed as a data vendor by the Nairobi Securities Exchange

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