A salary advance can come in handy during those unforeseen expenses that may end up putting a strain on you finances, or can help you seize those once in a life time opportunity. Though, before you rush for that salary advance, what should you consider?
It all begins by making a commitment to get out of debt and possibly staying out of debt. Showing such an interest is a major step towards getting out of debt. Let this one step lead to another which will eventually lead you out of debt.
Yesterday we broke down all you might need to know about Okoa Jahazi, a credit airtime purchase service by Safricom. Today we take a look at Kopa Credit, a similar offered by Airtel Kenya. Airtel subscribers who find themselves stranded and unable to purchase…
Growing up I was led to believe that debt was an adult thing. I vividly recall what my mother told me when she found out that I owed someone some cash, she said, “Matt, you are too young to be in debt.” That statement stuck in my mind…
Just three months into the fiscal year 2012/13 (with a KES 1.4 trillion budget) the government has so far borrowed close to KES 30 billion. This is according Central Bank of Kenya’s report for the first week of September. Consequently, this extends the government’s total debt (both foreign and domestic) to…