A salary advance can come in handy during those unforeseen expenses that may end up putting a strain on you finances, or can help you seize those once in a life time opportunity. Though, before you rush for that salary advance, what should you consider?
I&M Bank Will Drop Lending Rate by 1.5% to 18% from the previous tariff of 19.5%. The move follows a verdict from the Central Bank of Kenya’s (CBK) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) to reduce the CBR to 11%
Treasury has signed a deal with four Microfinanciers to advance the Programme for Rural Outreach of Financial Innovations and Technologies (PROFIT) in tunes of KES 600 million
CfC Stanbic Bank will cut its lending rate to 17% from 19% on the 15th of December, 2012, giving it one of the lowest lending rates of any bank in the country.
The last few days to payday have been a mystery for many people since the invention of monthly salary systems. We have read thousands, if not millions of essays on how to survive these days. Budgeting advise is probably one of the most read pieces of advise the…
The Treasury has set in motion plans to enact a law that will see defaulters of utility bills such as water, electricity and telephone blacklisted by banks. Says The Business Daily. The new regulations will be part of the credit information sharing law that has been used to bar…
You approach your lender of choice and they insist on security. You have a piece of land you are willing to offer as security or have someone who would agree for you to borrow against their land; well here’s a guide on the steps you are likely to follow
So the state has assisted you raise your college fees for four or more years. There’s no way you’re not going to pay that back. Apparently, if you attempt to dodge repaying the loan you will pay, and dearly so. Currently undergraduate HELB beneficiaries get a minimum of KES 35,000 and a…