
Gross Government Debts Still on The Rise – 13%

Kenya still owes Kenya more money. Our government's domestic debt has increased by KES 112.3 billion to KES 971.2 billion up from KES 858.8 billion at the end of June 2012.

Investing in Bonds: How It Works

A bond is an instrument through which a government or corporate body can borrow money from the public with a promise to reimburse the investor. The money is borrowed for a fixed period of time and compensation made at a fixed interest rate. How Do They Work? An offer…

Bonds 101: The Basics

A bond is a debt instrument used by corporations, governments or municipals to borrow from many people at one time in order to raise their financial capital. They are a promise by the issuer to pay you back the principal amount you used to purchase the bond and…

FTSE Government Bond Index to Take Effect Tomorrow

Starting tomorrow the 3rd of October, Government of Kenya Treasury Bonds listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) will be measured by the new FTSE NSE Kenyan Shilling Government Bond Index borne through collaboration by the NSE and FTSE – the international index company.

Falling Treasury Bills Make Shares, Bonds Attractive

Falling treasury rates will divert investors to the bond and stock markets

Consolidated Bank Bond Begins Trading at NSE.

"The bond closed yesterday with a subscription rate of 84 percent that raised 1.7 billion shillings."

Consolidated Bank Postpones Bond Listing

Investors will have to wait eleven days for Consolidated Bank’s corporate bond listing on the NSE. According to a press release from the company, the listing has been postponed from Thursday 2nd August 2012 to Monday 13th August 2012. Sources at Consolidated Bank said the delay…

Private Bonds versus Government Bonds

Anyone can invest in bonds as long as they hold an account with any local commercial bank. The minimum amount needed to invest in a bond is Ksh100,000. Government bonds are debt tools which the government uses to fund budget-related projects. Corporate bonds are controlled by…

The Truth about Bonds

A bond is an investment through which a financial institution borrows money from an individual for a specified amount of time at a fixed or floating interest rate.  The institution uses the money for various projects and returns it to the investor at a profit. It is similar…

Consolidated Bank Releases Ksh 4Billion Medium Term Note (MTN)

The Consolidated Bank of Kenya plans to issue a medium term bond for the sake of meeting supplementary capital as well as onward lending to its clients. The Capital Markets Authority (CMA) approved the issue and listing of the Ksh4 billion corporate bond on 21st June 2012. The…

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