
Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Land: Involving a Lawyer in a Property Transaction

A property sale is a very sensitive transaction which should be approached with a lot of caution. Many have been tricked into losing their money while buying a piece of property that had been previously sold to someone else. So is a lawyer necessary? One is…

Incremental Housing Coming To You Soon

What if you could get a loan for a house, pay the loan as you construct, finish the ground floor, move and then take another loan facility to complete the next floor and so on?

Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Land or Property: Distinguishing between Real and Fake Estate Agents

At most times, estate agents are the-to-go guys when it comes to searching for that ideal piece of land or property. All you have to do is describe what you want and where you’d want it to be, and they’ll hook you up with one. Though there’s one…

Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Land: Searching for That Plot to Invest In

Location determines so many things when it comes to buying land. Example: Accessibility to your place of work, your school or children’s school, accessibility to basic amenities, good road network and a host of many things. It makes no sense having your place of work in Thika and…

12 Things To Know about the Kenyan Property Market

Property values have increased 3.1 times since 2000

S&L Lowers Mortgage Rates

After announcing that it will be lowering its lending rates to 22% from 24%, Kenya Commercial Bank through its mortgage division S&L will be dropping the mortgage rates too, effective June 1st. During Kenya Commercial Bank’s Annual General Meeting on Friday 18th, group chief executive Martin Oduor-Otieno said the Bank…

Houses in Eastlands Appreciate in Value While Those in Westlands Depreciate

The latest Hass Index report on neighbourhood rents and property prices at the end of 2011 revealed Eastlands as an upcoming investment area as land and property prices appreciated in value. This is in sharp contrast to upmarket areas that are experiencing a decline in both rental prices…

Get a Piece of the Luxury Holiday Pie

Spend KES 500,000 for a week at the coast or KES 1.3 million to buy a luxury home at the coast. Enter fractional ownership. For a fraction of the cost, you can now get a piece of the luxury home action.

Housing Finance: Back in the Business of Building

After 13 years, Housing Finance is back in the business of building with a bang! 162 maisonettes for starters.

State Doing Little in Housing Development

The state has been playing a back bench role in provision and development of new housing units. Investors in private sector have taken over development of housing units even at times when statistics show large housing unit deficits, a thing the state should be concerned about. It is estimated that…

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