
Making Money Online in Kenya

With unemployment levels hitting the roof, the internet has proven to be an ideal platform where unemployed Kenyans or Kenyans looking to make some extra cash can make money. In as much as this the case, the unfortunate reality is most Kenyans don’t know how they can make…

Income Security Versus Job Security

Is having a job necessary, or is the income it attracts of more value to you?

4 Ways You can Cash in During the Elections

We all want to make a little bit extra cash to keep us going and with the election fever fast rising, why don’t you cash in on the elections? Here are 4 ways through which you can make some extra cash during the general election, none…

Miraa Export Ban to Netherlands Will Hurt Farmers

Miraa or otherwise Khat farmers, traders and consumers are very sad right about now after a January 5th 2013 ban on Kenyan miraa by the Netherlands. The Netherlands Secretary of State for Health, Welfare and Sports has listed the good crop as a drug, thus directing traders to stop stocking miraa at Schipol Airport in Amsterdam.

Financing For Start-ups: Approaching Private Investors

So you have an idea, and you're looking for financing? Maybe you should look at this first.

I Am Dot Net, the KES 700 Domain

For KES 700, “I am Dot Net” comes with an offer to own a .net domain plus 1GB hosting for a whole year, two free email accounts and a free website builder. This is ideal for small online businesses.

Companies and partnerships

Without a written agreement that is legally recognized, a lot of people usually get a raw deal from trusting the people they talk to. Business dealings can sometimes include talking to a company in order to share with them your marketing ideas, your suggestions for improving their products or even what you think they need to do to succeed. Or just someone to make sure everything's running smoothly. Picking a partner in business is key. How do you go about this?

Are You a Hustler or an Entrepreneur?

Often, we hear many Kenyans, especially younger ones, claim that they are “hustling” or are “hustlers”. The term has been greatly glamorized by contemporary music and film culture and is now embraced by many Kenyans as a means to get rich. Generally defined, hustling is making money by whatever means…

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