A salary advance can come in handy during those unforeseen expenses that may end up putting a strain on you finances, or can help you seize those once in a life time opportunity. Though, before you rush for that salary advance, what should you consider?
Kenyan Engineering students are set to receive a KES 3.71 billion loan from the African Development Bank (AfDB) over the course of the next four years. The lender aims to increase the number of qualified and skilled engineers from the country's current 6,350 to almost 12,000 by 2017.
Tomorrow is January! Yayy! No? Okay…. Having survived the Mayans dooms day prediction, 25th December and Santa Claus you are now faced with the worst demon yet, Jeanuary. It will definitely come and with it comes a ton of back to school expenses, a fact most parents dread.
Britam, CEO, Benson Wairegi describes this as a "sexy" new insurance product that will enable Kenyans to access cheap medical care through their mobile phones.