
NSSF Activates IT System to Improve Efficiency

Implementation of the new IT system will save contributors unexplained investements and expenses at NSSF

Behold, the Shortlist for the New NSSF CEO

This man will be responsible for over KES 100 billion shillings worth of your retirement benefits.

The Proposed NSSF Bill Saga: A Government Divided

The proposed NSSF Transformation Bill promises to give every Kenyan a chance to prepare for their future. The Retirement Benefits Authority has doubts about the plan's feasibility.

Getting Your Retirement Money Long Before You Retire

You don't have to wait for retirement to withdraw your Pension Plan. You just have to be ready to deal with the taxes.

6 Expenses to Look Out for After Retirement

Even with safe-guards in place there are a number of expenses that could increase as your golden years progress. According to the Zimele Pension Plan and an article from the Kenya Social Protection Review, it pays to be prepared. Entertainment Expenses…

Making Money Last After Retirement

Once you retire you may find yourself burning a hole in your retirement fund faster than you can plug it. It happens to the best of us. So what do you do to stop it?

What You Need to Know About Individual Retirement Plans

They say that it's never too early to begin to invest in your retirement. Even when making this choice you have several options, so just what do you need to know to help you pick best for yourself?

Retiring? Don't Forget the Kids

Aside from providing the basic needs like food, clothing, shelter and education, the working man is expected to give his children something extra; even after they finally graduate.

NSSF set for historical AGM on Monday

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has confirmed that plans for the staging of the fund’s first Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the funds 47 year history are now complete. According to NSSF Acting Managing Trustee, Mr. Tom Odongo, logistics…

Early Versus Late Retirement

It pays to know what the future has in store for those who choose between an early retirement or society’s more common pension plan for those in their golden years

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