
A Budgeting System That Would Work For You

Envelope budgeting system, the ideal way to help you stick to your budget.

5 Reasons Why You Are Always Broke

Being broke sucks. Living on the edge of financial ruin, can be stressful and overwhelming. When you’re broke and hating your job, things are much worse. It’s hard to leave ANY job, regardless of how insanely miserable it is. Struggling with a job you hate job is hard enough,…

22Seven: South Africa’s own Mint.com & Money Munk

Last week saw the launch of 22Seven.com, a website that links with banks and allows the site’s users to track their expenses and see how, and where, they spend their money. The site, structured like America and Canada’s mint.com,…

Abacus is the result of over 10 years market experience and is licensed as a data vendor by the Nairobi Securities Exchange

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