CBA Launches Dollar Credit Card

CBA is proud to launch the first US Dollar credit card in East Africa, giving clients the convenience and ease of banking they have come to expect. It is through our focus on customer service and our array of products that we deliver on our brand promise: time for more.

The credit card is targeted at individuals who are highly sophisticated, well travelled and usually multi-banked individuals whose income stream is in US Dollars. The customers in the past have had to convert their earnings into Kenyan Shillings in order to make use of their income, hence losing money to exchange rate fees. CBA Managing Director- Isaac Awuondo said “Our track record for customer service excellence is known throughout East Africa and it is something of which we are very proud “

A campaign will also be launched to introduce this new service to the market, detailing the benefits of the offering .The communication will carry with it the brand personality and brand promise, the over-arching theme will be that of the high-end services that CBA can provide to customers which compliment their lifestyle. Awuondo continued “We are constantly innovating, upgrading and searching for new ways in which we can meet and exceed our customers’ expectations. The US Dollar credit card is the latest service we have on offer and I believe it will be a great success in the market”.

“While up until now our communication has been primarily brand-focused, we feel that it is time for us to give our clients tangible proof of how our new brand positioning and indeed our products and services have been developed with their lifestyle needs in mind,” added Awuondo.

CBA is committed to be the market leader in offering customer based products that transform service offering. This is market proof points after coming off the back of a highly successful brand campaign.




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