Closing Bell – 28 May 2012


Price (KES) Change (%)
Express Limited 3.75 4.17
Rea Vipingo Plantations 16.85 3.69
KCB 23.00 3.37
Standard Chartered Bank Limited 180.00 2.86
Eveready East Africa Limited 1.90 2.70


Price (KES) Change (%)
Uchumi Supermarkets Limited 15.50 9.88
Sameer Limited 4.30 4.44
British-American Insurance 5.60 4.27
Trans-Century Limited 25.00 3.85
Kenya Airways 15.00 3.54

Exchange Rates

US DOLLAR 85.3958
STG POUND 134.1424
EURO 107.5728
SA RAND 10.2703
KES/USHS 29.0648
KES/TSHS 18.6193
KES/RWF 7.0555
KES/BIF 16.4295

 In today’s trading KCB recorded the highest movement with 4.381 million shares traded, this was done in 121 trades worth KES 100.718 million. Next was Kenya Reinsurance with 1.0743 shares traded, this amounted to KES 13.302 million in 51 trades. Uchumi Supermarket with 975,100 shares worth KES 15.117 million. In fourth was Safaricom Limited with 927,000 shares traded, this amounted to KES 3.001 million in 134 trades. The last of the top five was Co-operative Bank with 778,300 shares traded, this totalled to KES 10.877 million in 158 trades.

Today on pesatalk we highlighted the following:


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