Companies and partnerships

When going into business, it is often that people partner with others who they think are like minded. I know I did a number of times and I got burnt. It is in your best interests to evaluate the person or the company with whom you are about to enter into a business agreement with in detail before you commit yourself. This can serve to save you from a lot of disappointment and frustration in the future.

Some partners are in the habit of discussing profits only while saying nothing about what work contribution they are willing to put in or what financial obligations they will cover. These are normally warning signs of a potentially toxic partnership. Also, some partners agree with you from the beginning, get some of the work done then completely short change you when it comes to sharing profits. For this reason, it is always, always smart to get a binding legal document with which you can protect your interests. This is why demand notes, invoices and receipts also exist. It is best to get a written agreement drafted by a lawyer despite what terms may have been agreed.

It is wise to note that getting a written agreement should be a requirement in any business dealings even if the agreement is with a company that has been in business a while. Without a written agreement that is legally recognized, a lot of people usually get a raw deal from trusting the people they talk to. Business dealings can sometimes include talking to a company in order to share with them your marketing ideas, your suggestions for improving their products or even what you think they need to do to succeed. I have been privy to a situation or two in which individuals I know had their ideas stolen because they did not legally protect their information when talking to a company representative and given the fact that there is no legal evidence of their involvement, they ended up empty handed from the encounter.

Companies are very useful ways in which to run businesses and invest. They are recognized as legal person and are therefore allowed to transact in the same capacity. The key difference with companies is that they can be owned by several people at the same time and also employ people to work under the company name. Companies also provide a way I which to take advantages of some of the laws in existence to enable the owner to enjoy certain tax benefits. It is best to talk to a professional about this in any case.

Partnerships are legal agreements that enable the involved parties to share in the liabilities and the profits of the business. There are several different types of partnerships and the can be drawn to legally bind companies, individuals and even combinations of the two. Partnerships can last specific durations or they can be drawn to run for as long as the business exists.

There are a number of ways in which business is conducted every day, from signing contracts to big merger deals. It is also key to note that smaller deals can be just as good when forming partnerships and dealing with small companies.


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