Abacus Wealth Management

Compulsory Hot Water Solar Systems for Big Consumers

Now the government has another thing coming; tough regulations to force institutions that use large amounts of hot water to install solar systems. Through the Ministry of Energy, the government wants you to copy a few things here and there as it regards the installation of solar water heating systems. The Energy Regulation Commission has published Energy (Solar Water Heating) Regulations, 2012, which places in order the requirements of Solar Power installation and technicians. It is now a requirement that households or premises with Hot Water usage exceeding a capacity of 100 Litre’s per day MUST install solar water heating systems, something that will definitely have a cost implication on you.

Your panel will be expected to lie at an angle of between 10° and 20° from a horizontal plane and facing the equator. The regulations also provide that your solar collector area shall be increased by 10% for tilt angles of up to 30° and 20% for tilt angles of up to 40°.

In the new regulations published by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), institutions like hospitals, hotels, schools, children homes, and homes for the elderly, among others, must install solar systems over the next five years.

Reports show that Kenya is emerging as a world leader in the adoption of solar equipment with statistics from David & Shirtliff showing that high electricity costs, irregular power supplies, and new regulations are driving exponential growth in its sale of solar-powered water heaters. The National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) estimates the current demand for solar water heaters in Kenya stands at about 65,000 units a year, with independent analysis now citing Kenya as the world leader in the number of solar power systems installed per head.


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