Earn Some Revenue From Entertainment

Entertainment comes at a cost and footing the bill relies on your wallet’s weight. There is another side to this bill though. It is the side that sees the entertainers earn some revenue. The ones at the top of this revenue chain are the alcohol and cigarette manufacturers. Combined revenue from local consumption and export of products earns them a tidy sum. That said, our focus for the day shall be on the 2 most revered manufacturers; East African Breweries Limited (EABL) and British American Tobacco (BAT).

  • East African Breweries – Little to no attention has been paid to this counter. The price however is within its highest range. They closed at KES 242 yesterday, up from KES 240 on Tuesday. Alcohol is generally one of the commodities that generate profits all year round, much like cigarettes. And the results are showing. EABL shares have increased in price from a low of KES 148 at the beginning of the year to their current price, up by almost KES 100. Any connoisseur, alcohol or not, can tell that it has been a worthy investment through the year. That small price change today could mean great gains when accumulated over time.
  • British American Tobacco – This cigarette manufacturer has been on a roll this year (no pun intended). From paying dividends of up to KES 30 per share for the year (highest you might ever see paid) to doubling of the share’s price. It started off at KES 204 and is currently trading at KES 455. Among their reasons for increased profit is export of products to Egypt. Payment is made in U.S. dollars and the previously weakened Kenya Shilling only added to their profits.

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