Entrepreneur Characteristics- Are you one?

Entrepreneurs have some distinct characteristics that define who they are and explain how they are able to see opportunity where others see none or difficulty.

-Always learning- they look at every new opportunity as something they can learn from. They expand their knowledge ken by reading, going for formal training and interacting with others. They see every interaction as a learning opportunity and acknowledge that they can learn from anyone.

-They are positive- they are of good cheer, pleasant, happy, optimistic, upbeat, enthusiastic, hopeful, believing. Their positive energy is infectious and they attract positive energy.

-They believe in others- they see the potential in others. They understand the difference of behavior and potential believing in the unseen potential of others.

-They are synergistic- they understand and apply the principle of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. They build their weaknesses with the strength and capacities of others. Delegation is easy and natural to them. They are not threatened by the fact that others may be better than them in some field.

-They creatively solve problems- they look at the problems facing them in a new light, using their imagination to come up with new solutions.

-They are proactive- they choose how they respond to the situations facing them. They take responsibility for their destiny. They are not reactive blaming their predicament on the cards dealt to them.

-They have a vision- they know where they are going and plan for it. Their actions are guided by their vision. They know where their priorities lie and do the the necessary things first.

-They are action oriented- they are not afraid of taking action. They implement their plans and are not afraid of making decisions.

They are not afraid of unchartered waters- they willingly go to new areas of business, launch new products. They do so after pragmatically reviewing the proposals and when they see it as a viable venture, they make the necessary move. They have a Christopher Colombus like attitude looking forward to going to the new lands.

You can read more on entrepreneurship by the author Eric Asava here


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