Pay for Your Stocks Using your Bonga Points
The Conversion rate currently as of August 11th, 2021 is;
For every 1 Kenya Shilling, you use up 5 Bonga Points.
For Example;
Ksh. 100 is equivalent to 500 Bonga Points
Ksh. 200 is equivalent to 1,000 Bonga Points
Ksh. 300 is equivalent to 1,500 Bonga Points
Ksh. 400 is equivalent to 2,000 Bonga Points
Dial *126# and select “Lipa na Bonga Points”.
Select Paybill.
Enter the Abacus Business Number, which is 137287.
Enter your Account Number. (Visible under Mpesa Deposit on the App or Web Platform).
Key in the amount in Ksh you want to pay.
Confirm the details of your payment and key in the service PIN to finish the transaction.
Please note the conversion rates are Subject to Safaricom PLC Terms & Conditions.
Happy Investing 😊
Abacus is the result of over 10 years market experience and is licensed as a data vendor by the Nairobi Securities Exchange
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