KBA Launches "Chat With a Bank CEO"

If you were given an opportunity to chat with a bank CEO, what would you talk about?

"my 15min chat with a bank CEO" is a month-long Kenya Bankers Association (KBA) event between July 12 and August 2, 2012 during which Bank Chief Executive Officers will host online chat sessions, giving their views as well as both seeking and giving advise on the various topics. Based on bank customer feedback, the most talked-about topics the event will cover include:

- Interest rates: why banks charge the way they do

- Good debt vs. bad debt: when should you apply for a loan?

- How to finance your first home: points to discuss with your bank

- SME opportunities and challenges

- Investment tips: what options are available to the banking public?

- Sharia-compliant banking: how does the 'no interest' aspect work?

- How banks can support Financial Inclusion and Employment Creation

- Careers in banking: 'day in the life of a banker'

The first session happens today with Standard Chartered CEO, Richard Etemesi, talking about interest rates. Click here to register for your opportunity to chat with a bank CEO.


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