Kenya has Reliable Food Supply, for Now

The country has a reliable supply of food, at least for now. According to the Agriculture Ministry PS, Romano Kiome, save for the North Eastern part of the country, crop production has been steady since the beginning of the year. In an interview with Reuters on Tuesday, Kiome said that supply and pricing of food is consequently expected to remain stable until the end of the year. "Maize supply outlook remains good because we have 8 million 90-kg bags as we enter a new harvest season in September, where we expect a significant build-up of stocks," he said.

The good harvest is attributed to the favourable weather conditions since the beginning of the year.  However, according to the PS, international markets might shake this stability and the looming drought that is currently affecting countries like the US might be felt here.  A few weeks ago, the World Bank had expressed concerns on the impacts of the drought in the US on other nations, warning of volatile, higher than average grain prices in the global market until at least 2015.

The current prices in Kenya are better than last year’s according to Reuters, with a 90-kg bag currently going for an average of KES 2,400 to KES 2,600, a significant drop from KES 3,600.


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