My Money in My 20’s: Being Self-employed is Bloody Stressful

So far we have covered the perception that self-employed people have to work for long hours, self- employment is much riskier and you need lots of money to start a new business. Let’s look at myth number four: Self-employment is stressful.

It’s no secret that self-employment is, some form of risk, and with it comes lots of stress. You are under pressure to make ends meet, break even and have enough to pay yourself and your employees. The worst comes when starting up and working all by yourself. You cannot afford to miss appointments or deliver to your customer’s expectations.

Chronic stress from challenges associated with self-employment can affect your health. According to National Association of the Self-Employed, health complications such as high blood pressure, stomach discomfort, neck and back pains and headaches are common among self-employed people.

Continued strain and stress could have an effect on your ability to solve problems and engage in creative thinking. The pressure can be so overwhelming that you could find yourself opting to go back to traditional employment.

But, as Steve Pavlina puts it, self-employment can be less stressful if you decide to make it so. It comes with freedom to decide to just walk away when things get out of hand. There’s no boss to impress here so you can grant yourself a break when you feel completely stressed out.

As puts it, turn off your computer, put down the phone, put the pen back on the desk and simply walk away. Go have a snack, a smoke break, watch a video on youtube or maybe go for a jog. Do anything that would help you unwind and get your mind off what’s stressing you. Very often, while you are unwinding and relaxing, the answer to the stressful problem will come on its own.

Considering the fact you probably 20 something year old, you have less financial obligations meaning you will probably deal with less stress as compared to a 30 or 40 something year old with family obligations. Take advantage of your age to start a business of your own. You’ll have less stress to deal with now as compared to later in life.


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