At 3.10 pm today when the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) closed, Uchumi Supermarkets Limited (UCHM) was the most traded share. Over 11.91 million shares of the retailer changed hands today, representing 44.9% of all shares traded. This was done in 68 transactions and represents the highest number of Uchumi shares in the last twelve months.
The share ended the day at KES 8.00, the same as Monday’s closing price. Uchumi’s shares offered via the rights issue will be sold at KES 9.00, meaning it will cheaper for investors who want to own Uchumi to buy the shares in the open market rather than through the rights issue.
The share price performance of Britam for the past 12 months is given below.
The winners:
The top gainers were: Umeme Limited (UMME), Pan Africa Insurance Company Limited (PAFR), Express Kenya Limited (XPRS), Kakuzi Limited (KUKZ) and Sameer Africa Limited-formerly Firestone-(FIRE). They closed at KES 22.00, 127.00, 6.50, 215.00 and 6.70 respectively.
The losers:
Companies that shed value were: Kapchorua Tea Company Limited (KAPC), Boc Kenya Limited (BOC), Olympia Capital Holdings Limited (OCH), Unga Group Limited (UNGA) and Eveready East Africa Limited (EVRD). They ended the day at KES 140.00, 131.00, 5.50, 38.50 and 3.55 respectively.
Market Snapshot
At the closing bell
Most shares traded:
The other top movers for the day were: Safaricom Limited (SCOM), Mumias Sugar Company Limited (MSC), The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited (COOP), and Barclays Bank Of Kenya Limited (BBK).
The NSE 20 share index lost today. It fell 0.80%, to close at 5,151.46.
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