Below is a look at the Pesa Portfolio as at the close of trading yesterday. The prices quoted are those from the NSE after yesterday’s closing bell.

As at the close of trading yesterday, the portfolio had a value of KES 95,542 and a net value (upon liquidation of the shares into cash) of KES 93,317.03. This represents a 0.99% increase in value. The NSE 20 share index, the index we use to compare the performance of the Pesa Portfolio, rose 0.36% our portfolio clearly outperforming the NSE 20 index.
Mumias Sugar appreciated 5 cents in yesterday’s trading to close at KES 5.95 from the previous day’s close of KES 5.90. Housing Finance rose 20 cents in the day’s trading from KES 15.35 to KES 15.55 while Crown Berger rose KES 1.25 in the day to close at KES 34.75. Rea Vipingo Plantations remained moved in the day staying put at KES 16.25. Kengen and Uchumi both lost value in the day’s trading, down 5 cents and 55 cents but overall the portfolio increased in value by about 1 percent.