Below is a table showing the performance of the Pesa Portfolio as of yesterday’s closing bell (read that article here) at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.

The portfolio gained KES 1017.50 in yesterday’s trading, a 1.056% appreciation in the portfolio’s value. The NSE 20 share index, the index that we compare the Pesa Portfolio to, dropped by 0.08% in yesterday’s trading, our portfolio clearly outperforming the NSE 20.
Most of our shares appreciated in value yesterday. Mumias Sugar appreciated 5 cents to close at KES 6.55 from KES 6.50 and Kengen Limited improved by a similar margin, closing at KES 8.20 from Friday’s closing value of KES 8.15. Rea Vipingo closed 10 cents up at KES 16.10 from Friday’s closing price of KES 16. The Uchumi share shed 5 cents in value from KES 17 on Friday to close at KES 16.95 in yesterday’s trading. Big gains in Housing Finance and Crown Berger, 35 cents and 50 cents respectively however helped propel the portfolio’s appreciation.
{The Pesa Portfolio is a simulation of the Nairobi Securities Exchange and is intended for entertainment and investor education only. It does not constitute investor advice and we do not trade on behalf of our readers}