Below is a table showing how the Pesa Portfolio has performed using yesterday’s closing prices at the Nairobi Securities Exchange:

The Pesa Portfolio lost KES 137.50 following yesterday’s closing prices at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. This drop was caused by drops in Rea Vipingo (55 cents, 3.31%), Crown Berger (25 cents, 0.775%), Mumias Sugar Company (5 cents, 0.87%) and Kengen (5 cents, 0.613%). We had gains in Housing Finance (20 cents, 1.32%) and Uchumi Supermarkets (30 cents, 1.74%) that helped reduce our losses.
In total, the portfolio lost KES 137.50, this representing a 0.148% loss in value. The NSE 20 share index on the other hand, the index we compare ourselves to, increased in value by about 0.454% and outperformed us yesterday.
Following the performance of our portfolio yesterday and over the week in general, we may make some changes to it to minimise our loses and position ourselves to benefit from shares we feel may improve in the coming weeks.