Below is the value of our portfolio as at the close of trading at the NSE on Wednesday 13thJune:

As at the close of trading yesterday, our PesaPortfolio stands at KES 93,246.70. This is KES 72.50 lower than the value on Tuesday. This fall can be attributed to decreased share prices on the following counters:
KenGen Limited: the share closed 5 cents down at KES 8.10. This translates to a loss of KES 35.
Housing Finance Company Limited: the mortgage provider dropped 5 cents to close at KES 15.50 down from KES 15.55 on Tuesday. This drop translated to a portfolio loss of KES 55.
Uchumi Supermarkets Limited: the retailer lost 30 cents to close at KES 16.65 per share. This led to a portfolio loss of KES 300.
The following counters gained:
Mumias Sugar Company: the counter closed 5 cents up at KES 6 per share. This small increase translated to a gain of KES 67.50.
Crown Berger: the paint manufacturer continues being the best performing stock in our portfolio. In yesterday’s trading the share closed 25 cents up at KES 35 per share as compared to KES 34.75 the day before. This translated to a gain of KES 250.
The gains and losses together resulted in a net portfolio loss of KES 72.50.