Abacus Wealth Management

PesaPortfolio – 20 July 2012

Below is the value of the PesaPortfolio at the close of trading on the 19th July 2012:

The PesaPortfolio at the end of trading on Thursday 19th July 2012

At the close of trading yesterday, our PesaPortfolio had lost KES 1,432.50 to stand at KES 94,137.72 down from KES 95,767.50 at the close of trading on Wednesday this week.

Total cash receivable if we were to sell the entire portfolio would be Ksh 92,137.72 after deducting transaction costs.

In comparison, cash receivable at end of trading on Wednesday was KES 93,536.86 representing a cash loss of KES 1,399.14

Gains in our portfolio were attributable to the following counters:

The only gain in our portfolio was attributed to the  Housing Finance counter which gained for a second day yesterday to close up 0.32 percent at KES 15.50 from KES 15.45 previously. This gain in the share added KES 55 to our portfolio.

Losses in our portfolio were attributed to the following counters:

The Rea Vipingo counter showed no change in yesterday’s trading, closing at KES 17.00 similar to on Wednesday.

We will continue to observe our portfolio’s performance in today trading and make changes if losses continue.


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