Safaricom Bonga Point Redemption Offer

Redeem a portion of your Bonga Points, add KES 3,999 to them and you will get a smartphone from Safaricom that comes inclusive of 200MB internet bundle and KES 500 airtime.

8,000 Bonga points + KES 3,999 will get you a IDEOS Ascend Y100

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9,000 Bonga points +KES 3,999 will get you a Alcatel OT-918

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12,000 Bonga points + KES 3,999 will get you a LG E400

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12,000 Bonga Points + KES 3,999 will get you a Samsung Galaxy Pocket

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Lastly, 12,000 Bonga Points + KES 3,999 will get you a Nokias Asha 302

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'Bonga' is a loyalty programme introduced in January 2007 to both PrePay and PostPay subscribers. In this scheme, subscribers earn one Bonga point for every KES 10 spent on voice calls, short messages service (SMS) and data. These points can be redeemed for free airtime, SMS or merchandise such as phones, modems and laptops.






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