
Budgeting in January; A Good Idea

But this shouldn't be the case if we can sit down and plan through out the year, in such a way that we have money assigned for various functions like holidays. A budget should aid through this. It's sole purpose is to give you a firm grip on your finances.

An App That Helps you Clear Your Debt

Say goodbye to poor debt-handling behaviour. Vertex 42, a Money Management Software Developer, has a system that helps the user control the amount of money they save or spend, depending on their debt ratio.

Money in My 20’s: A Budgeting System for 20 Year Olds Staying at Home

How a 20 something year old staying alone spends his/her money is different from how a 20 something year staying with their family or guardian spends their money. The former has more financial obligations; rent, food, utility bills, et al. This means we are looking at a 20 something year old who is making money and not giving 30% to rent, and a further 10% to utilities. How best should such individuals manage their money?

5 Reasons Why You Are Always Broke

Being broke sucks. Living on the edge of financial ruin, can be stressful and overwhelming. When you’re broke and hating your job, things are much worse. It’s hard to leave ANY job, regardless of how insanely miserable it is. Struggling with a job you hate job is hard enough,…

Tips on Responsible Spending Habits

We all know about the dangers of drug and gambling additions, but believe it or not in recent years there have been numerous studies regarding the dangers of shopping addictions as well. Thousands upon thousands of people suffer from shopping addictions, which in medical terms is termed as “omniomania,”…

Wedding Plans and Dreams

Thinking of a wedding? We talked to MrsMaqC about hers and what advice she has for anyone thinking of making the big step. MaqC (my husband) and I share a story of faith, love and friendship. During our dating and courting time, we knew when we wanted to…

Financial Wisdom

Today we decided to get creative. Here is a brilliant comic strip on personal finance by the very talented Creative Director Ras Mengesha and the very talented artist Ian Njuguna…

Saving money: The life blood of a healthy financial life

When you are under a lot of debts and you wish to get out of the situation, then you may do so with the help of debt solutions. If you have a lot of debts that you are having difficulty paying towards, then you may opt for debt…

In your 20's? Start living below your means

For people in their 20s, time really is on their side. These are the years to develop the habits to ensure a successful financial future. As with most things in life, practice does make perfect, and there are critical financial habits a young person needs to develop to ensure…

Health Focus

Health Focus is a serialization of stories on the effect of Health issues on a family and individual. While many take health for granted, the lack of it can lead to an enormous cost for a family. Often the cost is not just financial but emotional as well. How do…

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