
Motorists stranded as fuel shortage hits Nairobi

Nairobi and its environs were hit by a fuel shortage despite assurances by the industry that there were enough supplies for the long weekend. Most filling stations in the city centre ran out of petrol but had plenty of diesel. Out of the 11 petrol stations the Nation team…

Money Is The Answer For Everything.

Clearly, Money can’t make you happy, nor can its pursuits, or the things you can buy with it. BUT the freedom of movement it provides, the ease and convenience, and the possibilities of positioning do indeed solve most, if not all of life’s physical dilemmas.

Sweat the Small Stuff

It’s Friday afternoon.  Mr. Shah walks into his bank with the statements that he has just received.  Being Friday there is a long queue but he waits patiently.  He finally gets to the counter at about 3:45 p.m.  The teller, Jane, knows that this is her last client and he…

Weddings – The Unexpected

When planning for anything we often come across things that we did not anticipate. These things more than often set us back quite a bit. Trick is to be prepared for it. How one prepares for something they just don’t know about is the tricky part. Wedding wise, this post…

Dealing With The Green Monster- DEBT [Part 2]

Remember: ‘Use debt as an opportunity for growth. If debt has beaten you down, why not learn from the experience? Change your measuring stick. Money is not the measure of all things. Remember, you live in a society, not an economy.’

Dealing With The Green Monster- DEBT [Part 1]

Remember: ‘Use debt as an opportunity for growth. If debt has beaten you down, why not learn from the experience? Change your measuring stick. Money is not the measure of all things. Remember, you live in a society, not an economy.’

Weddings – The Expected

Weddings, there’s a lot of weight on this word. Those who have been through it will tell you. Before I got married I made a point of meeting married couples and pick their brain. I guess it was a subconscious way of assuring myself that I was on the right…

Assets not Flossets

I had a consultation with a client recently. He was extremely proud of his achievements and informed me that over the past three years he had invested and accumulated assets. He was convinced that he was well on the way to wealth creation. When I prodded further about what…

First Job Chronicles- Mutheu's Story

While formal employment for me started in 2001, right after college, I was lucky enough to have had voluntary experience in different capacities at the YMCA and at St. John Ambulance Brigade, in Kenya. I had the chance to interact with people of different calibres and…

10 Commandments for Frugal Living

Frugality often gets a bad rap. Many people misunderstand frugality and assume that it’s nothing more than being “cheap” when, in reality, frugality is making sure that you get the most from the money and resources you have, even if they are limited. For those who are just beginning to…

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