
How Should You Respond to a Price Change by Competitors?

If, however, I am wrong, and a price war ensues; it will definitely not originate from Safaricom. This is because the market leader has nothing to gain from that. It is the other players who may try to fight for market share by lowering prices. Safaricom would then be on the defensive. Why?

Stuff Nobody Wants

As a child, my friends and I underwent different phases of the ‘finders keepers’ phenomenon. For a while, we believed that if you found something and nobody claimed it, it was yours. Then one day, a new kid in the neighbourhood told us that lost property was guarded by the powers of witchcraft and that if we kept it, the owner’s ghost would haunt us. Our lawmakers must not have been sent that memo.

Convert Shilling Directly to Chinese Yuan

With increasing travel and trade between Kenya and China, the need for easier of conversion of currency between the two nations is a welcome move. 1 Chinese Yuan is valued at approximately KES 13.74

My Money in My 20’s: Myths of Self-Employment

At most times most entrepreneurs choose to work for long hours. It might be because they enjoy their work so much that they want to put in long hours or perhaps they have set up their businesses in such a way that their physical presence is necessary for income generation. Does being self employed necessarily entail working for longer workers?

Balancing Books May be More Important Than You Thought

I was terrible with accounts back in school. The numbers confused me, they never balanced or behaved and I never understood the point of all those ledgers and books. To this day, I still cannot make sense of it all, the details that is. I am, however, fully aware of the importance of the process and some of the reasons why a business must have a reliable accounting system. Are you?

8 Things You Should Know This Morning

1. Poll Shows that There May not Be a Run Off A new poll by research company Infotrak says Raila Odinga could clinch the presidency in the first round next year, depending on who he picks as his running mate. The poll…

8 Things You Should Know This Morning

1. JSC Defend Move to Buy Luxury Cars The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has defended its decision to acquire 40 limousines for judges The commission also dismissed a car loan scheme offered by the government for judicial officers as untenable. It further…

The Importance of Marketing

The difference between a business that actively embraces suitable marketing practices and one that does not is easily evident. Again, it can make the difference between the success and the failure of a business, especially because marketing is an on-going business process. A well prepared and executed marketing strategy can accelerate business growth exponentially.

Certified legal

A business, any running business is a fragile thing. Anyone who knows anything can tell you that the devil truly always is in the details. A business, no matter how sturdy it may seem, can fall like a stack of badly arranged cards if some of the fundamental…

Companies and partnerships

Without a written agreement that is legally recognized, a lot of people usually get a raw deal from trusting the people they talk to. Business dealings can sometimes include talking to a company in order to share with them your marketing ideas, your suggestions for improving their products or even what you think they need to do to succeed. Or just someone to make sure everything's running smoothly. Picking a partner in business is key. How do you go about this?

Abacus is the result of over 10 years market experience and is licensed as a data vendor by the Nairobi Securities Exchange

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