
Balancing Books May be More Important Than You Thought

I was terrible with accounts back in school. The numbers confused me, they never balanced or behaved and I never understood the point of all those ledgers and books. To this day, I still cannot make sense of it all, the details that is. I am, however, fully aware of the importance of the process and some of the reasons why a business must have a reliable accounting system. Are you?

The Importance of Marketing

The difference between a business that actively embraces suitable marketing practices and one that does not is easily evident. Again, it can make the difference between the success and the failure of a business, especially because marketing is an on-going business process. A well prepared and executed marketing strategy can accelerate business growth exponentially.

Companies and partnerships

Without a written agreement that is legally recognized, a lot of people usually get a raw deal from trusting the people they talk to. Business dealings can sometimes include talking to a company in order to share with them your marketing ideas, your suggestions for improving their products or even what you think they need to do to succeed. Or just someone to make sure everything's running smoothly. Picking a partner in business is key. How do you go about this?

What is Business?

"Nothing personal, it's just business" Time and time again you hear this statement. Everyone is using these days. Just what is this business thing?

Abacus is the result of over 10 years market experience and is licensed as a data vendor by the Nairobi Securities Exchange

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