
Matching Your Business Costs

Your income must be more than your expenditure is the rule of thumb in business. But how do you make sure that you follow this rule?

Applying For Patents in Kenya

Intellectual property (IP), words that were heavily used in 2012 since the fight between Samsung Electronics Co. and Apple Inc. heated up. The matter of IP has also hit Kenya, the most recent being the patent battle between Safaricom and Faulu Kenya over their idea of mobile banking that…

i-INVEST: Investment Made Cheap

“Price is what you pay; value is what you get. Whether we’re talking about socks or stocks” – Warren Buffet. January is the time of year when savings and investment opportunities are briskly sought after. A major obstacle to this is financial resources. Where will you get the…

Financing For Start-Ups: Late Stage

Christmas is over, now back to the serious stuff, at least until new years day. So far we have looked at how to finance your business at the early stage and growth stage. By now, you are well aware of what to look…

Financing For Start-ups: Growth Stage Financing

We have briefly tackled what venture capitalism is and who a venture capitalist (VC) is in part 1. Last week we looked at early stage financing and the purpose of the 2 legs of financing at this stage in preparation for growth stage financing. This…

Financing For Start-ups: Early Stage Financing

“Africa is the only developing region in the world where the growth rate is expected to rise this year. Internet usage has  grown more this year in Africa than on any other continent……in short, Africa is on its way. ” – Hillary Clinton on DEMO Africa…

Local Shareholders Spend Over KES 32 million on Athi River

COUNTER WATCH Athi River Mining – True to the prediction, locals took up shares in this company. The stock traded at KES 219, up by KES 9 from yesterday’s closing price. The amount traded was even more shocking as it stood at 150,000. Total amount that transacted was KES…

Why Watch Real Estate When You Can Watch Cement makers?

Kenya’s real estate has seen more action than a movie set. According to the HASS consult quarter three report, property prices jumped due to tumbling mortgage rates, among other reasons. Overall sales prices rose by 5.1% with apartment sales figures increasing by 3.6% and that of stand-alone houses…

Some Factors To Look-out For Before Investing

The end of trading yesterday saw the 2 banks under our watch become top traders by volume. There was no change in price for either. Operations at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) saw both the All-share and the 20-share indices closed higher at 92.59 points and 4158.38 points respectively.

Abacus is the result of over 10 years market experience and is licensed as a data vendor by the Nairobi Securities Exchange

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