
i-INVEST: Investment Made Cheap

“Price is what you pay; value is what you get. Whether we’re talking about socks or stocks” – Warren Buffet. January is the time of year when savings and investment opportunities are briskly sought after. A major obstacle to this is financial resources. Where will you get the…

Money in My 20’s: A Budgeting System for 20 Year Olds Staying at Home

How a 20 something year old staying alone spends his/her money is different from how a 20 something year staying with their family or guardian spends their money. The former has more financial obligations; rent, food, utility bills, et al. This means we are looking at a 20 something year old who is making money and not giving 30% to rent, and a further 10% to utilities. How best should such individuals manage their money?

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