
Could Shares Have Made you Money This Year?

With 50,000 shillings, just how much would have made from the stock market from late last year? We play out this scenario using a selection of shares.

Balancing Books May be More Important Than You Thought

I was terrible with accounts back in school. The numbers confused me, they never balanced or behaved and I never understood the point of all those ledgers and books. To this day, I still cannot make sense of it all, the details that is. I am, however, fully aware of the importance of the process and some of the reasons why a business must have a reliable accounting system. Are you?

The Importance of Marketing

The difference between a business that actively embraces suitable marketing practices and one that does not is easily evident. Again, it can make the difference between the success and the failure of a business, especially because marketing is an on-going business process. A well prepared and executed marketing strategy can accelerate business growth exponentially.

A Company Rises: Britam’s Early Years

Britam's started by selling insurance door to door for premiums as low as 5 shillings to industrial workers. Every record was hand-written, moving the company to hire people whose sole purpose was to retrieve client data from the mountain of records. Amidst such operating difficulties, Britam weathered the storm to grow into the East African powerhouse it is today.

Stocks We Are Watching Today

A quick look at the counters we will be watching today.

Business Plans, and Handling Them

I remember the first business plan I ever wrote. It was about thirty pages long. It was really boring if I say so myself as I had simply put in as much information as I could to overwhelm anyone attempting to read it so that they would hopefully take me seriously. And it was rather silly.

What is Business?

"Nothing personal, it's just business" Time and time again you hear this statement. Everyone is using these days. Just what is this business thing?

Cementing your Stocks

Part of being an investor is latching onto trends and investing early on. As a new investor what do you need to know about investing in the cement industry? The construction sector in East Africa is booming as governments splash huge sums of their budgets on infrastructure development. This coupled…

Bonds. Central Bank Bonds.

Yes those bonds. The Central Bank is re-issuing treasury bonds from 3/6/ 2011 to 21/6/2011. The bonds are 2, 5 and 20 year periods. The minimum amount you can invest is 50,000/= The bonds will be listed at the Nairobi Stock Exchange. Buying treasury bonds is advisable if you have…

Assets not Flossets

I had a consultation with a client recently. He was extremely proud of his achievements and informed me that over the past three years he had invested and accumulated assets. He was convinced that he was well on the way to wealth creation. When I prodded further about what…

Abacus is the result of over 10 years market experience and is licensed as a data vendor by the Nairobi Securities Exchange

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