
Nairobi The 2nd Worst City To Live in Globally

Bottom line, apart from Tehran, there is no place worse than Nairobi to find yourself living in.

Diaspora Remittances Grow 6.4%

Kenyans in the diaspora sent home KES 8.4 billion in the month of November 2012. This is 6.4% increase compared to October 2012 where KES 8 billion were remitted.

10 Most Read Articles on PesaTalk in 2012

We (PesaTalk) started publishing articles in March 2012 with the aim of simplifying the jargon that financial news is famed for.yes, we have lost our footing every once in a while but our readers have kept us going, and the viewership over the months has been…

5 Affordable-ish Party Spots to Usher in 2013

December 31st: The end of a year’s chapter and possibly a prelude to the coming year. It is also the one time when a large percentage of the world’s population is in a celebratory mood. And Kenya is no different. Parties will be organized on this day leaving…

Financing For Start-Ups: Late Stage

Christmas is over, now back to the serious stuff, at least until new years day. So far we have looked at how to finance your business at the early stage and growth stage. By now, you are well aware of what to look…

8 Things You Should Know This Morning

1. 14.3 Millions Kenyans Registered to Vote in March Some 14.3 million Kenyans have registered as voters for the general elections due in March 2013, the Kenyan electoral body said on Thursday. A total of 14,337,399 voters signed up during the registration…

M-pesa: Our Best Shot At Total Financial Inclusion.

At it's onset, the decade that led to the millennium was marked by a very low penetration of financial services in Kenya. Today, thanks to the mobile phone, this is quickly changing. In a country of 40 million people with 75% of it having direct access to a mobile phone, the financial services landscape significantly differs to the one of the nineties.

"Unlimited Internet Plan is Unlimited” Says Telkom

Through a letter sent to consumer lobby group, Cofek, Telkom Kenya CEO Mr Mickael Ghossein came out strongly in defence of his company, saying it’s unlimited internet plan is indeed unlimited and it’s the consumers who fail to observe a fair usage policy as well as…

Kenya Projects GDP Growth at 5.2% in 2012

The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) has projected that Kenya’s real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will expand by 5.2% with Monetary Policy focusing on achieving and maintaining low inflation. CBK reports that the Kenyan economy performed modestly in 2011 and realized growth in gross domestic product (GDP) of…

Sasini Company's 104% Loss

Sasini Limited, a member of Sameer Group and one of the top tea and coffee producers in Kenya, has announced a final dividend of KES 0.25 per share. This makes the total they have paid for the year KES 0.75 after the payment of an interim dividend…

Abacus is the result of over 10 years market experience and is licensed as a data vendor by the Nairobi Securities Exchange

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