
Trend in the Cost Of Living Over the Last 12 Months

A look at Kenya's cost of living

New Sub-Stations Spell Hope for Turkana Wind Project

With support from the AfDB and a Spanish engineering farm banking on its success, the Lake Turkana Wind Power project surges on.

The Mobile Money Apocalypse; What Would Happen to Your Money?

After M-Pesa servers crashed putting the services off last weekend, issues on safety and security of mobile money platforms which are relied on by millions of Kenyans have emerged. How safe is your Mobile money?

Kenya's Tax History (I): An Early Start

While taxes have been certain, they've been far from consistent. What we know as Kenya was tax-free for much of its early history.

Dirty Money: Is it OK to Bend the Rules Sometimes?

We live in times when it is becoming increasingly permissible to employ unconscionable means of getting that extra buck. In fact, that statement is too polite because frequently, good men have prostituted their values in a bid to rake in the ever seductive “almighty dollar.” That partly explains why billions…

What you need to Start a Business in Kenya

Ever wanted to start a business but don’t know where to start? Here is a break down of the documents you need and the procedures. Some of the processes might take slightly longer than projected but it has improved. 1. State registration Registration the business as legal entity,…

5 Ways Farmers will benefit from the Budget

Agriculture employs more than 80% of Kenya’s populace whether directly or indirectly. This fiscal year’s budget was more or less drawn to tackle the problem of inflation especially in the high food and fuel prices in the country. The minister allocated a lot of funds to the supply side of…

Business Friendly Tax Reform = More Tax Revenue

The treasury has come up with an excellent summary on the Budget and the forecast for the next few years see Budget Highlights Final. Suffice it to say that domestic borrowing will be checked at Kshs. 120 bn. and although the budget deficit looks high at 8% public debt…

Entrepreneur Focus – Idd Salim

He is known in the local tech community as a master coder. He thinks, eats and drinks code and it would surprise you to know that the first time he ever touched a computer was when he first joined form one, precisely on 17th of February 1997. The day is…

Health Focus: An Insurer's point of view

Peter Nduati is the founder and CEO of Resolution Health. He is 41 years old and has over 20 years experience in the Kenyan Insurance Industry. He is also a master’s degree holder in Economics and Insurance, and is currently working on a doctorate in Entrepreneurship in Kenya. We spoke…

Abacus is the result of over 10 years market experience and is licensed as a data vendor by the Nairobi Securities Exchange

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