
Dirty Money: Is it OK to Bend the Rules Sometimes?

We live in times when it is becoming increasingly permissible to employ unconscionable means of getting that extra buck. In fact, that statement is too polite because frequently, good men have prostituted their values in a bid to rake in the ever seductive “almighty dollar.” That partly explains why billions…

The Rich Are Different From The Poor

Some time back, I stumbled across this book: Secrets of Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Eker. Eker believes that we each possess a “financial blueprint”, an internal script that dictates how we relate to money. Our blueprints are created through lifelong exposure to money messages from the people…

5 Reasons Why You Are Always Broke

Being broke sucks. Living on the edge of financial ruin, can be stressful and overwhelming. When you’re broke and hating your job, things are much worse. It’s hard to leave ANY job, regardless of how insanely miserable it is. Struggling with a job you hate job is hard enough,…

5 Easy Steps to Becoming a Millionaire

Who wouldn’t want to be worth a million dollars? Many of us dream of achieving this goal, more often than not for the sake of the freedom financial stability would bring. So how can we get there? The answers are actually much easier than you might expect. Here are several…

Entrepreneur Focus – Peter Owiti of Pete's Coffee

Marked as, possibly, the most successful start-up at the Nairobi iHub, Pete’s Coffee provides the caffeine that is needed to fuel the designers and developers that call the iHub their work-space. The Money Academy caught up with this…

How to be a Billionaire

As carried on Shaun Rein Have you dreamed of becoming a billionaire? Based on the response I’ve gotten to my recent article “Three Myths About Starting…

5 Disastrous Financial Moves We Just Can't Seem to Avoid

As carried on There is no doubt that financial literacy has enjoyed a great boost, thanks in no small part to the internet and the decentralization of information. However, there are some very basic financial mistakes that we continue to make even though most people know better.

How to Stop Procrastinating

The second half of the year is here, and with it comes the reveiwing and checking how far along we are with the plans we made at the beginning of the year. Unfortunately, for many of us, we are most likely, nowhere near where we had hoped to be at…

Entrepreneur Focus: Mbugua Njihia – Founder, Symbiotic Media

Read about Mbugua Njihia, Chairman-Mobile Monday Kenya, and founder of Symbiotic Media Consortium

Friday Round-Up

The Verdict is out, the sliding shilling means that our lives will become a whole lot more difficult. It won’t be about tightening belts but making another hole in the belt to accommodate this round of high prices. The Daily Nation states that the low shilling means increased commodity prices-…

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