
What you need to Start a Business in Kenya

Ever wanted to start a business but don’t know where to start? Here is a break down of the documents you need and the procedures. Some of the processes might take slightly longer than projected but it has improved. 1. State registration Registration the business as legal entity,…

5 Ways Farmers will benefit from the Budget

Agriculture employs more than 80% of Kenya’s populace whether directly or indirectly. This fiscal year’s budget was more or less drawn to tackle the problem of inflation especially in the high food and fuel prices in the country. The minister allocated a lot of funds to the supply side of…

Junk in the Trunk

Susan has a very good job with a multinational and earns a salary that most people will give their right arm for. She dresses well, lives in a nice neighbourhood and from first impressions especially given her income you would think that she would not have any problem investing or…

Entrepreneur Characteristics- Are you one?

Entrepreneurs have some distinct characteristics that define who they are and explain how they are able to see opportunity where others see none or difficulty. -Always learning- they look at every new opportunity as something they can learn from. They expand their knowledge ken by reading, going for formal training…

Business Friendly Tax Reform = More Tax Revenue

The treasury has come up with an excellent summary on the Budget and the forecast for the next few years see Budget Highlights Final. Suffice it to say that domestic borrowing will be checked at Kshs. 120 bn. and although the budget deficit looks high at 8% public debt…

Before you Start

What is it that you know before you start a business? Here are a few questions to ask yourself before you take the plunge.

Dairy Farming in Kenya

Looking to get into agribusiness? What about Dairy Farming? Here is a breakdown of all you need to know about dairy farming.

What is Good Business?

As entrepreneur how you treat your customers is what will help you get ahead. What is good business? Read on to find out

The Kenya June Economic Update

Main Messages from the people involved as per the full document… • Kenya will need to navigate through another economic storm in 2011. This will reduce growth to a projected 4.8%, which is still substantially higher than the average of the last decade. • The decade started on…

5 Habits to Expand Your Champion's Mind Set

We have been exploring champion’s mindset. I shared a host of tangibles to help us develop a champion’s mindset and making it happen {Expand.Enlarge.Stretch}. Remember the question I’ve been asking myself, Why do some people seem to have all the answers, while others make little progress?… And my conclusion was…

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