
10 Most Read Articles on PesaTalk in 2012

We (PesaTalk) started publishing articles in March 2012 with the aim of simplifying the jargon that financial news is famed for.yes, we have lost our footing every once in a while but our readers have kept us going, and the viewership over the months has been…

Why Kenya Doesn't Need Syokimaus

On 13th November, 2012, Kenya opened its first railway station since, forever. To some, this was the equivalent of Kenya putting a man on the moon. It would bring lots of pride to millions of Kenya, just as the hundreds of millions of Indians see their chest swell with pride when their country launches a rocket into space, or successfully does a nuclear bomb test.

Pay More For Kenya's Development

Just because it’s a government parastatal or ministry, does not mean it should offer reduced and or subsidized prices for everyone. A lot of complaints were received concerning people who live on less than Ksh100 a day, what of them? They’ll just go to their respective places of work and residence just as they always have. It may come as a shock to some of you, but some of them can’t even afford matatu fares. They walk to their places of interest as they always have

Are The Syokimau Train Fares Practical?

To travel on the Commuter train you will have pay KES 120 one way during peak hours, KES 110 during off peak hours with return tickets going as high as KES 220. Are these fares affordable to the average Kenyan?

Syokimau Commuter Train Schedule, Fare and Parking Charges

The Syokimau Commuter train is being launched. Here's its schedule and fare.

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