Abacus Wealth Management

Why Watch Real Estate When You Can Watch Cement makers?

Kenya’s real estate has seen more action than a movie set. According to the HASS consult quarter three report, property prices jumped due to tumbling mortgage rates, among other reasons. Overall sales prices rose by 5.1% with apartment sales figures increasing by 3.6% and that of stand-alone houses by 3.4%. There has been a return to normal levels of buying to the real estate sector and developers are earning their keep.

At the top of this money chain however, are the quarrying and construction companies. They provide the raw materials that facilitate unit construction and overall project development. Without them projects such as Konza city, Two Rivers project and even highway constructions would not come to be. Given their large sums of money involved, their accounting books are bound to put a smile on a few faces. Let’s monitor a few of the listed construction companies for the day.

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