The Money Academy is looking for great writers to provide engaging local content on personal finance and happenings in the world of finance that affect the ordinary Mwananchi.
We are looking for people who are experts in their field and/or work within various sectors in the financial industry such as insurance, banking, stock brokerage, retirement planning etc who would like a platform on which to put across their ideas, reviews and more.
What if you are not an #ActualExpert?
Not to worry. We will provide you with basic training on what we write about on the site, provide the necessary research material, and provide guidelines on the required structure; all you will need to do is produce great copy. Our editor will review for style and factual accuracy and voila! you will be published. Exciting, isn’t it?
Is the position paid?
Unfortunately, no :-( ; what with the Money Academy being a start-up and all.
So why should you write for the Money Academy?
Hmmm. Good question…
First, we will carry your picture and a 200 word bio at the bottom of each article you submit. On this bio, you will be able to promote yourself, your business, blog, Twitter page or Facebook Page/Account to our community.
Second, in a few short months, the Money Academy will be the country’s largest source of money news and information and you will have a chance to be a part of something BIG.
How will it work?
Each Friday, we will set the topics and article titles for the following week and circulate them to you. For those articles requiring research, we will send you the raw information and all you will have to do is read through the research, prepare the article and submit. Easy peasy, wouldn’t you say?
How do you sign up?
Fill in the form below and we will be in touch with you to get started.
If you have any questions (or would like to offer us a lot of money to pay our writers), please drop us an email on publisher [at] moneyacademy [dot] co [dot] ke
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Abacus is the result of over 10 years market experience and is licensed as a data vendor by the Nairobi Securities Exchange
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